Play Strong Elementary Playground Initiative
Play Strong Elementary Playground Initiative
Scottsbluff elementary students will be receiving a new, modernized play experience thanks to the Scottsbluff Schools Foundation and the generosity of Platte Valley Companies and other donors who have come together to fund the Play Strong project. The project upgrades playground equipment at all SBPS elementary schools with work to begin in the Summer of 2022 with Roosevelt and Longfellow elementary schools. Each in-town playground will cost approximately $125,000 with the Foundation and its donors funding $75,000 and the additional $50,000 funded by the District. Each playground will be designed uniquely to fit the specifications and needs of the inpidual school site and to allow for the incorporation of existing equipment and infrastructure where appropriate.
The SBPS Foundation kicked off the PlayStrong project by accepting a $125,000 donation from Platte Valley Companies at a special check presentation at Roosevelt Elementary school.
Founded in 1988, the Scottsbluff Public Schools Foundation was established for the purpose of raising funds for the support and improvement of educational programs provided by Scottsbluff Public Schools. The Scottsbluff Public Schools Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. The foundation is funded by donations from inpiduals, corporations, small businesses, foundations and community organizations. The board of directors of the foundation is composed of volunteers from the community who believe in the importance of providing a high-quality education to the students of Scottsbluff Public Schools.
Longfellow Proposed Play Structure

Roosevelt Proposed Play Structure
