Our preschool program gives students the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational, creative,
and fun activities each day. The day features:
- Guided Play- students learn during play and will spend a significant portion of their day in play. During this time students choose from a variety of activities including sand/water table, books and listening, dramatic play, science exploration, puzzles, blocks, art, writing, and games.
- Story Time - Students will listen to stories daily in class. These stories may go along with the letter being taught or the current theme.
- Circle/Music Time - This time is set aside for children to work on patterns, weather, group counting, songs, dancing, finger plays, and other skills. This is where most instruction is directly taught during the day.
- Outdoor Play - Children play outside each day for 30 minutes. Children can run, jump, climb, ride tricycles, and use other materials. This is a social time for students as well as they play and interact with other children developing social and gross motor skills.
- Table Time - Children spend a portion of the day completing a table task. These tasks include fine motor development activities such as linking chains, beads, or blocks. It may also be a group craft project that requires cutting, writing, or gluing.
- Snack/Meal Time - All students are given a snack while at preschool. Half day students are provided one snack while the full day students are offered lunch and a snack both in the morning and the afternoon.
- Rest Time for Full Day Students - Full day students are given a rest time in the day where a cot is provided and lights are dimmed. Children are permitted to have a soft toy or blanket during this time.
These activities are designed to foster:
- thinking skills
- social skills
- attention span expansion
- imaginations
- improvde coordination
- expression of feelings and ideas
- practice of life and social skills
- increased self-esteem
- enhanced vocabulary and comprehension
- opportunities for observation, exploration, experimentation and making predictions